8 research outputs found

    The influence of analgesic self-medication education on the knowledge of hajj pilgrims

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    The self-medication of analgesic drugs by elderly prospective hajj pilgrims in Indonesia requires better education to enhance understanding of safe and rational drug use, thus reducing the risk of side effects. Therefore, the research aimed at providing education to increase the knowledge of prospective Hajj pilgrims. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of providing video education on the knowledge level of self-medication with analgesic drugs among prospective Hajj pilgrims in the city of Batu. This study is an pre-experimental research using a one-group pretest-posttest design on 21 prospective hajj pilgrims in the Batu District, Batu City. The sampling was conducted using a purposive sampling method. Data were obtained through questionnaires administered to respondents both before and after the intervention. The analysis of the impact of video education on the knowledge of prospective hajj pilgrims about self-medication with analgetic drugs was performed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank statistical test. After being given education, there was a significant increase in the respondents knowledge about self-medication with analgetic drugs, rising from 19.04% having good knowledge previously to 90.47% after the video education session, with the Wilcoxon test results indicating a significant difference between the pretest and post-test scores; the relatively low z-score (-3.794) and very low p-value (0.00) indicate that the ranking for the group with post-test scores is higher, signifying a significant improvement, thus post-test scores are better than pretest scores

    Pengaruh edukasi swamedikasi obat analgesik menggunakan metode video edukasi terhadap tingkat pengetahuan calon jemaah haji Kecamatan Batu, Kota Batu

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    Salah satu upaya dari peningkatan kesehatan dengan melakukan edukasi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai swamedikasi dalam menggunakan obat yang tepat dan benar. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), self-medication atau swamedikasi merupakan tindakan seseorang dalam memilih dan menggunakan obat tanpa resep dokter untuk mengatasi gangguan atau gejala yang dideritanya. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia tahun 2012 melaporkan bahwa sebanyak 44,4% masyarakat Indonesia melakukan swamedikasi. Hasil Riskesdas (2013) mengungkapkan sebesar 35,2% keluarga di Indonesia menyimpan obat dirumah (Octavia, 2019). Penggunaan obat secara mandiri harus mematuhi prinsip penggunaan obat yang aman dan rasional, seperti pada umumnya. Dalam praktik swamedikasi, kriteria penggunaan obat yang rasional mencakup pemilihan obat yang tepat, dosis obat yang sesuai, serta menghindari polifarmasi (Khuluq, 2020)

    The influence of analgesic self-medication education on the knowledge of hajj pilgrims

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    The self-medication of analgesic drugs by elderly prospective hajj pilgrims in Indonesia requires better education to enhance understanding of safe and rational drug use, thus reducing the risk of side effects. Therefore, the research aimed at providing education to increase the knowledge of prospective Hajj pilgrims. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of providing video education on the knowledge level of self-medication with analgesic drugs among prospective Hajj pilgrims in the city of Batu. This study is an pre-experimental research using a one-group pretest-posttest design on 21 prospective hajj pilgrims in the Batu District, Batu City. The sampling was conducted using a purposive sampling method. Data were obtained through questionnaires administered to respondents both before and after the intervention. The analysis of the impact of video education on the knowledge of prospective hajj pilgrims about self-medication with analgetic drugs was performed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank statistical test. After being given education, there was a significant increase in the respondents knowledge about self-medication with analgetic drugs, rising from 19.04% having good knowledge previously to 90.47% after the video education session, with the Wilcoxon test results indicating a significant difference between the pretest and post-test scores; the relatively low z-score (-3.794) and very low p-value (0.00) indicate that the ranking for the group with post-test scores is higher, signifying a significant improvement, thus post-test scores are better than pretest scores

    The use of zamzam water and pumpkin fruit in science and Islamic perspective

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    Zam-zam water is a holy spring for religious and medicinal purposes for Muslims. Zam Zam Water is located 21 meters to the east of the Kaaba. Zam Zam water is rich in beneficial elements and chemical composition of up to 2,000 mg/lt. So that Zam Zam water has benefits as an anticancer, maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, stimulating the reproductive system, and antioxidants. Pumpkin has low calories that are suitable for diets. Pumpkin contains a source of nutrients such as carotene and fiber and is high in protein. It is hoped that writing this article will bring benefits to enrich the treasures of Zam Zam water and pumpkin, both from an Islamic and health perspective

    The use of zamzam water and pumpkin fruit in science and Islamic perspective

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    Zam-zam water is a holy spring for religious and medicinal purposes for Muslims. Zam Zam Water is located 21 meters to the east of the Kaaba. Zam Zam water is rich in beneficial elements and chemical composition of up to 2,000 mg/lt. So that Zam Zam water has benefits as an anticancer, maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, stimulating the reproductive system, and antioxidants. Pumpkin has low calories that are suitable for diets. Pumpkin contains a source of nutrients such as carotene and fiber and is high in protein. It is hoped that writing this article will bring benefits to enrich the treasures of Zam Zam water and pumpkin, both from an Islamic and health perspective

    The Use of Zamzam Water and Pumpkin Fruit in Science and Islamic Perspective

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    Zam-zam water is a holy spring for religious and medicinal purposes for Muslims. Zam Zam Water is located 21 meters to the east of the Kaaba. Zam Zam water is rich in beneficial elements and chemical composition of up to 2,000 mg/lt. So that Zam Zam water has benefits as an anticancer, maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, stimulating the reproductive system, and antioxidants. Pumpkin has low calories that are suitable for diets. Pumpkin contains a source of nutrients such as carotene and fiber and is high in protein. It is hoped that writing this article will bring benefits to enrich the treasures of Zam Zam water and pumpkin, both from an Islamic and health perspective

    The Use of Zamzam Water and Pumpkin Fruit in Science and Islamic Perspective

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    Zam-zam water is a holy spring for religious and medicinal purposes for Muslims. Zam Zam Water is located 21 meters to the east of the Kaaba. Zam Zam water is rich in beneficial elements and chemical composition of up to 2,000 mg/lt. So that Zam Zam water has benefits as an anticancer, maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, stimulating the reproductive system, and antioxidants. Pumpkin has low calories that are suitable for diets. Pumpkin contains a source of nutrients such as carotene and fiber and is high in protein. It is hoped that writing this article will bring benefits to enrich the treasures of Zam Zam water and pumpkin, both from an Islamic and health perspective

    Pengaruh edukasi swamedikasi obat analgesik menggunakan metode video edukasi terhadap tingkat pengetahuan calon jemaah haji Kecamatan Batu, Kota Batu

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    Salah satu upaya dari peningkatan kesehatan dengan melakukan edukasi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai swamedikasi dalam menggunakan obat yang tepat dan benar. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), self-medication atau swamedikasi merupakan tindakan seseorang dalam memilih dan menggunakan obat tanpa resep dokter untuk mengatasi gangguan atau gejala yang dideritanya. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia tahun 2012 melaporkan bahwa sebanyak 44,4% masyarakat Indonesia melakukan swamedikasi. Hasil Riskesdas (2013) mengungkapkan sebesar 35,2% keluarga di Indonesia menyimpan obat dirumah (Octavia, 2019). Penggunaan obat secara mandiri harus mematuhi prinsip penggunaan obat yang aman dan rasional, seperti pada umumnya. Dalam praktik swamedikasi, kriteria penggunaan obat yang rasional mencakup pemilihan obat yang tepat, dosis obat yang sesuai, serta menghindari polifarmasi (Khuluq, 2020)